ProceedingsIMAT3E'18 Proceedings published in (an initiative of Qatar Foundation) and can be accessed via:
The committee of the International Meeting on Advanced Technologies in Energy and Electrical Engineering would like to thank Hamad Bin Khalifa University for publishing and hosting the accepted abstracts in
IMAT3E'18 Preprint Proceedings published in HAL Archive and indexed in Google Scholar
Mathematical models of classification algorithm of Machine learningNabanita, D., Umashankar, S., & Sanjeevikumar, P.
Backstepping Approach applied to the DFIG-WECSAroussi, H. A., Ziani, E., & Bossoufi, B.
An Experimental Comparison of Supervised Classifiers on Two Real Datasets for Pattern RecognitionNgadi, M., Amine, A., Nassih, B., & Hachimi, H.
Power management based on fuzzy controller of stand-alone hybrid photovoltaic/wind systemSaidi, A., Chellali, B., & Benyahia, S.
Impact of load characteristics on photovoltaic PV system with P&O MPPT controllerSaidi, A., Benoudjafer, C., Chellali, B., & Benyahia, S. Vision-based control of a flying Spherical Inverted Pendulum on a QuadrotorKrafes, S., Chalh, Z., & Saka, A.
Aperçu sur les techniques d'extraction des informations des manuscritsBoualam, M., Elfakir, Y., Khaissidi, G., & Mrabti, M.
Contribution of a Static Var Compensator in the compensation of reactive energyHallal, S., Mesbahi, A., & Khafallah, M.
Real-Time Distributed Systems Control and Energy Management Using a Multi-Agent TechnologiesAzeroual, M., Lamhamdi, T., El Moussaoui, H., & El Markhi, H.
Flux-linkage Characteristics of Switched Reluctance MachineKadi, L., Brouri, A., & Ouannou, A.
Pole placement problem for linear systems with constrained control. (An Overview)Hamidane, H., El Faiz, S., Guerbaoui, M., Ed-Dahhak, A., Lachhab, A., & Bouchikhi, B.
Conception d’un curriculum de formation en energies renouvelablesElbourimi, O., & Alhajjami, A.
Conception d’un Système sur Puce (System-on-Chip) pour la Télémétrie des Courbes Photovoltaïques d’un Nanosatellite en Temps RéelChtita, S., Motahhir, S., Derouich, A., El Ghzizal, A., & Belkadid, J.
Fuzzy State and Output Feedback-Control for Vehicle Lateral DynamicsEl Youssfi, N., El Bachtiri, R., Chaibi, R., Idrissi, I., & Khanfara, M.
PV Emulator based on Interleaved Buck Converter using Adaptive PI ControllerAlaoui, M., Maker, H., & Mouhsen, A.
Comparaison entre la Commande MPPT par mode glissant et la Perturbation et Observation pour les systèmes PhotovoltaïquesCheddadi, F., Boumhidi, I., & Sefriti, S.
Solar Integrated Energy Efficient Systems for Waste Heat Recovery of Power Generation Industry Using Different Eco-Friendly Energy MaterialsMishra, R., & Dubey, K.
Power Control of Wind Generator Using PI RegulatorBouderbala, M., Bossoufi, B., Lagrioui, A., Taoussi, M., Aroussi, H. A., & Ihedrane, Y.
Fault Diagnosis for Manipulator Robot using Observers-Based ApproachesOmali, K. O., Kabbaj, M. N., & Benbrahim, M.
Performance improvement of partially shaded PV array using magic square view topology to mitigate the mismatching power lossesEl Iysaouy, L., Lahbabi, M. H., & Oumnad, A.
La contribution de systéme solaire photovoltaïque à la production d’électricité dans le secteur résidentiel en AlgérieMehira, S., & Boussoualim, A.
CPV water pumping systems for agricultural uses: Sizing process, simulation and economic evaluationAqachmar, Z., Allouhi, A., & Jamil, A.
Innovative building materials for energy performance in buildingsM'Lahfi, B., El Quandil, M., & Amegouz, D.
Nouvelle technique pour le traitement et le mapping des requêtes SPARQL complexes sur Hive basé sur l'ingénierie des modèlesBanane, M., Erraissi, A., & Belangour, A.
An Optimal Design for a MOS Varactor using Artificial Bee Colony AlgorithmAbi, S., Bouyghf, H., Benhala, B., & Raihani, A.
Nature-inspired algorithms for optimal active band pass Filter designEl Beqal, A., Kritele, L., Benhala, B., & Zorkani, I.
Modeling and Performance of the Photovoltaic pumping systemMahmoud, M. E. M., Ba, A., Yahfdhou, A., Ehssein, C., Mahmoud, A. K., & Youm, I.
A Comparison of Metaheuristic Techniques for RF Passive Components OptimizationBouyghf, H., Abi, S., Benhala, B., & Raihani, A. |